Change the game 2024

For a decade, we have been a meeting place for everyone who wants to contribute to a society rich in movement. During this year’s annual event, we put full focus on how we create movement experiences that increase our tendency to value and choose physical activity. We wanted to turn our gaze inwards instead of towards the heart rate monitor – we have summed it up as movement that counts.
We did a conference, several special educations and activities with a focus on positive movement experiences that provide far-reaching benefits for both the individual and society.


14-22 september: Movement paths 
Several walking paths in Umeå were seasoned with experiences for the whole of you in the form of food for thought and movement challenges for all levels of ability.

18-19 september: Conference – Positive movement experiences for a sustainable society

As long as we consider movement experiences only as an investment in steps and load, we are not going all the way. When we focus on will and inner reason, we can count far more valuable gains. Both for citizens, schools and workplaces as well as for society as a whole. We know that our ability to create and value qualitative movement experiences is crucial to succeed in creating a context where people thrive, are safe, grow and can become their best selves.

During this year’s conference, we therefore put full focus on how we create movement experiences that increase our tendency to value and choose physical activity. We wanted to turn our gaze inwards instead of towards the heart rate monitor. In order to succeed now, different approaches are likely needed than those that have created today’s challenges. Therefore, we start from the holistic view of the human being and the perspectives on physical activity that physical literacy offers.

16-17 september: Workshop – Quality movement experiences framework
18 September: Special education 1 – lead and develop activities A
19 September: Special education 2- lead and develop activities B
19 September: Special education 3 – design environments A

20 September: Special education 4 – design environments B
14-22 September: Physical literacy enriched movement paths

Speakers and facilitators

Emmanuel Bochud (CAN) :: Julie Théberge (CAN) :: Trevor Smith (GBR) :: Dean Kriellaars (CAN) :: Natalie Houser (CAN) :: Charlie Crane (GBR) :: Oguzhan Yolcu (TUR) :: Emma Crawley (Levande leklandskap och kreativa lärmiljöer) :: Mir Grebäck von Melen (CIFA) :: Susanne Wolmesjö (Education in Motion) :: Torbjörn Wrange (Aktiv Samhällsutveckling) :: Magnus Bolin (Riksåklagarmyndigheten) :: Robert Hansson (Swedish Ski Association) :: Pilo Stylin (Swedish Martial Arts Association) :: Caroline Stattin (IBK Dalen Floorball) :: Fredrik Waara (Swedish Football Association) :: Grim Jernudd (Change the game) :: Suzanne Lundvall (Göteborg university & Swedish Gymnastics Association) :: Paul Davis (Umeå university) :: Camilla Eriksson & Saara Lindbohm (Mälardalens university) :: Robert Lindberg (RF-SISU Västerbotten) :: Jakob Forssmed (Minister of social affairs and public health)

More info about all the names >

After movie


The main organizer of Change the game 2024 is Change the game Utbildning AB – a knowledge center with methods and training for everyone who wants to create more attractive and sustainable societies with focus on quality movement experiences – together with, among others, the Balticgruppen, Umeå School of Sport Sciences, Region Västerbotten, RF-SISU Västerbotten, RISE and Umeå municipality.

The PLaylist - physical literacy videos from intro to advanced level

Play the list

Speakers Q&A
Change the game 2024
