Change the game’s annual activity and training days in September focus on physical literacy. The event offered the opportunity to test new activities and the opportunity to develop leadership skills for everyone who wants to create environments where everyone gets a good chance for an active, healthy life and to have their best life journey.
We want to gather everyone who wants to participate and be part of shaping society with new ways of thinking. Ill health is unequal and it is increasing all the time. Not least among our young people. At the same time, we must change our society with a focus on sustainability.
We have a unique opportunity to create change.
With a holistic view of people and wealth of movement as a compass, we can together shape future physical and social environments that create attractive societies.
Change the game 2023 is the place where all curious people can discuss, experiment and meet pioneers in movement from near and far.
11-17 september: Movement paths
Several walking paths in Umeå will be seasoned with experiences for the whole of you in the form of food for thought and movement inventions. For an even more enjoyable and even more rewarding walk.
Along the routes there will be signs with challenges at different levels that you get by pointing your mobile camera at a QR code.
12 september: Special education – for active and future leaders of senior activities
This training is for you who are tickled by the idea of leading senior training or who are already an active leader. Regardless of your experience level, you get the opportunity to strengthen your ability to create and lead activities that develop seniors’ feeling that they can, dare and want to be physically active in different contexts.
13 september: Special education – design of environments for play and movement
This training day is for you who have direct or indirect responsibility for designing attractive and valuable environments for play and movement. We hope that you will strengthen your feeling that you can and want to create sustainable design solutions for movement. We also hope that the training provides a valuable taster to be able to evaluate whether or how your entire organization should adopt these approaches and innovation tools.
14-15 september: Conference – activities / environments / collaboration & community
The three tracks will, based on the respective application area, be about:
– what is movement wealth (physical literacy)?
– why is it important?
– guidelines and general strategies for using business wealth as a social innovation tool
– successes and lessons learned from exciting early adopter applications
– to give conference participants the opportunity to reflect and co-create
15 september: Special education – activity design
During this evening, you will get an introduction to how you can lead and create activities where the participants’ intrinsic motivation and skills develop in a fast and sustainable way, with a physical literacy as a compass. It will be a session with a small dose of lecture/theory and with plenty of time to participate and experience enriched activities.
All the sessions will this year mostly be held in Swedish.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email:
The main organizer of Change the game 2023 is Change the game Utbildning AB – a knowledge center with methods and training for everyone who wants to create more attractive and sustainable societies with wealth of movement as a compass – together with, among others, the Balticgruppen, Umeå School of Sport Sciences, Region Västerbotten, RF-SISU Västerbotten, RISE and Umeå municipality.