Dr Dean Kriellaars was the main course leader for the programs. Dean is from Canada’s Manitoba University and is one of the world’s leading experts in physical literacy, which we choose in Sweden to call for movement (or understanding of movement).
Several of the courses were formed for the “EMÅ project“, which is Change the Games, a new pilot project in Umeå, which will start in the districts of Ersboda, Mariehem and Ålidhem. Educators, athletes and parents in these areas therefore had a head start for these programs. The pilot project was made possible by the SISU Athletes and was conducted in collaboration with the Umeå municipality’s leisure and school administration. This was the next step on the journey to Umeå as a “moving society”.
These training days were conducted with the support of Västerbotten County Council.
Wednesday April 18th
Swedish sports experts in children and adolescents, 9:00-12:00
– PL 101, PL 301 sport and RS Swe
School principals and rectors, 13:00-14:30
– PL 101 custom and RS Umeå
Teacher Sports & health and leisure teachers, 15:00-16:00
– PL 101 custom and RS Umeå
> More info (in Swedish)
Teacher Sports & Health, 16:00-17:00
– PL 301 adapted
> More info (in Swedish)
Athletes, 18:00-20:00
– PL 101 card, PL 301 sport “movement preparation”, RS Umeå
> More info (in Swedish)
Thursday April 19th
The Council for Motion Enforcement, 8:00-9:30
– PL community
Politicians and service personnel Umeå municipality, 11:15-12:30
– PL 101 custom and RS Umeå
Repr from municipalities in Västerbotten, 12:30 to 15:00
– PL 101, RS Västerbotten
> More info (in Swedish)
Leading movement instructors, 16:00-21:00 + Wednesday 15:00-20:00
– PL 301 depression
> More info (in Swedish)
The trainings for athletes and movement instructors were also open to participants outside of Umeå / Västerbotten at length and then at a cost of 500 SEK for athletes training and 3000 for the training instructor’s education.
PL 101: introduction of physical literacy
PL 301: physcial literacy enriched activities
RS Swe: Physically literate societies – The Trip & the different steps
RS County: Physically literate societies – the journey & the various steps, start with activity day
RS Umeå: Physically literate societies – the forthcoming steps for the EMÅ project
> Educational materials (ppt’s mm) for download can be found here