Change the game 2021

Welcome to the eighth edition of our annual event, which continues to focus on physical literacy. Our aim is to offer a lot of insights and inspiration. We also hope to be able to add program items in the form of physical gatherings such as active workshops and various activities in Umeå.

A sustainable world with physical literacy – from practice to vision

We have brought together innovators, world-leading experts and passionate leaders who have extensive and valuable experiences of physical literacy. This year’s digital conference will give you both insights and practical exercises as well as examples of successful projects. Together we find new ways to be able to develop collaboration, activities and environments. For sustainable societies, businesses and lives.

Three streams:

  • Collabaration & community development
  • Activities
  • Environments & facilities

You can pick and choose among international and national speakers, take part in lots of new insights and practical applications.
The conference is arranged in the Coeo platform, which also gives you several opportunities to connect with other participants.

International presenters

National presenters

Information about the presenters >

Registration >


Please note: all times are CET and the afternoon sessions will be in english.

Lunch 12.15 – 12.45
Physical literacy – an introduction and inspirational session. A “kick-off-session” that does not require registration (Margaret Whitehead and Grim Jernudd).

Morning 8.00 – 8.45
– Physical activity & health – the challenges and correlations (Per Nilsson).
– Physical activity in community development in Region of Sörmland (Johannes Hedlund)
– MindShift – New initiative to strengthen mental health to unleash the full capacity of people and organizations.

Lunch 12.15 – 12.45
– A conversation about physical literacy a a tool for sustainable development of societies and organizations (reps from Region Västerbotten, City of Umeå, Balticgruppen, Västerbotten Sports confederation and Change the game).
– Umeå & Västerbotten’s journey as a physical literacy community.

Afternoon 16.00 – 16.45 (english)
– Physical literacy, a social innovation engine for sustainability (Dean Kriellaars).
– Physical literacy, physical activity and health (John Cairney).
– Physical literacy brings everyone to the table (Tom Jones).

Morning 8.00 – 8.45
– Guidelines for creating and leading activities that promote physical literacy (Grim Jernudd).
– Cases: “Hand the ball” (Jennie Linell), “MotorIQ” (Pilo Stylin) and Riskful play (Ahmed Al-Breihi)

Lunch 12.15 – 12.45
– A conversation with researchers and practitioners about physical literacy in the aspects of physiology, psychology and pedagogy.
(Apostolos Theos, Inger Eliasson, Louise Davis from Umeå university plus Robert Lindberg and Jenny Holmqvist)

Afternoon 16.00 – 16.45 (english)
– Effective Physical Education Pedagogy that promotes the development of Physical Literacy (Dean Dudley).
– How to design risk-friendly environments using movement creativity to ignite individual’s psychological potential (Veronique Richard).

Morning 8.00 – 8.45
– Guidelines for designing environments & facilities that promote physical literacy (Grim Jernudd).
– How to design play environments that develop children’s competence, confidence and motivation (Emma Crawley)
– Innovative park development project (Mimmi Beckman)
– Riskful play project (Ahmed Al-Breihi)

Lunch 12.15 – 12.45
– Public physical literacy enriched environments, a Vinnova project in Umeå and county of Sörmland (Katrin Jonsson)
– How to design a facility with physical literacy as a compass, Venue of Stöcke (Maria Bergstén)
– Conversations with innovators who create based on physical literacy (Fredrik Nilbrink)

Afternoon 16.00 – 16.45 (english)
– Outdoor Risky play (Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter)
– Closing Q&A (Margaret Whitehead)

Information about the presenters >

Registration >

The PLaylist - physical literacy videos from intro to advanced level

Play the list

Combining physical
& health literacy

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