Pep-talks for coaches 13/9

During this year’s Change the game days 13-15 September in Umeå, we arrange a special evening for club leaders. We then offer a customized introduction to physical literacy and how to use it in practice in the form of the program “Movement preparation.”

Umeå Energi Arena Vatten
Price: No charge for association leaders.

The program is a new way to practice versatile, fun exercise and prepare practitioners for exercise or competition so they perform better while becoming more resistant, both mentally and physically, thus reducing the risk of injury. Warmly welcome to a peeking and eye opening evening!

30 seconds about Movement preparation

Program Thursday 13/9: 18:00-20:00, Umeå Energi Arena vatten

17:30 The doors open

18:00 Introduction

18:10 Introduction Physical literacy and practical review “Movement preparation” with Dean Kriellaars.

19:50 Conclusion

Course leader:

Dean Kriellaars

DEAN KRIELLAARS (CAN) – University of Manitoba, expert on physical literacy and one of the world’s premier ambassadors on this new concept of physical activity.

Dean will give the participants valuable insights and very useful tools to be able to lead activities in a new way, which apparently has many different “win”.

Pep talks for coaches are made possible through a special effort from SISU Idrottsutbildarna and Umeå Fritid.

The PLaylist - physical literacy videos from intro to advanced level

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New cooperation with IPLA

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