Medverkande digital konferens Change the game 2021

Internationella talare

Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter

”Outdoor risky play”

Ellen Beate Hansen Sandseter is a Professor in the Department of Physical Education and Health at Queen Maud University College of Early Childhood Education (QMUC) in Trondheim, Norway. Her primary research focus is on children’s physical play, outdoor play, and risky/thrilling play among children in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institutions, as well as how to develop physical environments for children’s play, development and learning. She has also been involved in research on Norwegian children’s experiences of participation and well-being in Norwegian ECEC institutions, and projects about safety work, child injuries and injury prevention in Norwegian ECEC institutions.

Dean Dudley

”Effective Physical Education Pedagogy that promotes the development of Physical Literacy”

Dr. Dean Dudley is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher of Health and Physical Education at Macquarie University. He is also an Adjunct Senior Fellow of The University of the South Pacific and a Honorary Associate Professor of the University of Queensland.
Dr Dudley is a 2012 Churchill Fellow and was an Expert Consultant for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization’s Quality Physical Education Guidelines for Policy Makers (2015) and the Kazan Action Plan ratified at MINEPS VI in 2017. In 2018, Dr Dudley was appointed as an Independent Specialist in Health and Physical Education by UNESCO’s International Bureau of Education.
Broadly, he is interested in the association between health and education, with a specific interest in the role that learning plays in the health and quality of life of children. Internationally, he is recognised for his work in physical education, pedagogy, and physical literacy.

Dean Kriellaars

Physical literacy, a social innovation engine for sustainability”

Dean Kriellaars is a associate professor at the College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Department of Physical Therapy,University of Manitoba.
His research is directed to physical literacy for wellness, in rehabilitation as well as in high performance circus and sport. He has pioneered physical literacy tools and programs that have been adopted internationally.

John  Cairney

Physical literacy, physical activity and health”

Professor John Cairney is the Head of School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences at the University of Queensland in Australia. He is an academic leader in the field of paediatric exercise medicine and child health research and is particularly well-known for his work on developmental coordination disorder (DCD) and its impact on the health and well-being of children.

Until the end of 2019, he was the Director of Graduate Studies in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto and Director of the Infant and Child Health (INCH) Research Laboratory at both the University of Toronto and McMaster University. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Departments of Public Health Sciences and Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University and a core scientist with the Offord Centre for Child Studies, CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research at McMaster University, and the independent Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.

Margaret Whitehead

”Why is PL relevant and important, the philosophicaly grounding of PL and how it can guide practitioners, what does a program look like that is designed to enable development of PL , what does a PL society look like and the connection between  PL and human flourishing.”

Margaret Whitehead trained to teach physical education and taught in school and lectured at Universities. Her principal study has been in philosophy and in 1987 she completed her PhD which looked at the views of Existentialists and Phenomenologists in relation to our embodiment and the implication of these views for Physical Education. Since retiring in 2000 she has built on the PhD study and worked to develop the concept of physical literacy. She was recently awarded an Honorary Degree and a Visiting Professor position from the University of Bedfordshire in recognition of this innovative work. Margaret has lead the work on Physical Literacy worldwide, writing two seminal texts and presenting widely across the world.
Margaret Whiteheads böcker (med rabattkod) >

Tom Jones

Physcial literacy brings everyone to the table.”
How the PL4C (physical literacy for communities) movement is changing Canada, the impact and benefits of PL in Canadian communities and schools (case studies, testimonials), the importance of community partnerships in building PL capacity, and the role of PL resources like PlayBuilder. 

Tom is the Director of Community and International Engagement for the Sport for Life Society where he oversees the Physical Literacy for Communities Initiative (PL4C-BC) that involves over 26 communities in British Columbia, and is responsible for the procurement and delivery of Sport for Life’s international engagements. A long-time member of the Canadian sport community, Tom has served as the CEO of Commonwealth Games Canada and Athletes CAN in Ottawa, as well as Manager of Sport, Excellence and Wellness at the Richmond Olympic Oval. He spent three years working in the Australian sport system as Executive Director of Volleyball Victoria (Melbourne) and Technical Operations Manager for the volleyball competition at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. A graduate of UBC, Tom holds an MBA from the University of Calgary and is currently Principal of Jones & Associates Sport and Management Consulting in Vancouver.

Veronique Richard

How to design risk-friendly environments using movement creativity to ignite individual’s psychological potential”

Veronique earned her doctoral degree in sport science from the University of Montreal then went on to complete a postdoctoral fellowship in sport psychology at Florida State University. Her research focuses on the effects of creativity enhancement on motor performance and psychological adaptation.

She currently has a rich and varied performance psychology practice primarily working as a mental performance consultant with different Canadian national teams (e.g. water polo, artistic swimming) and individual elite athletes (e.g. gymnastic, figure skating, trampoline, etc.). As a Mental Performance Advisor for Cirque du Soleil, Veronique Richard supports artists to optimize their performance and ensure their well-being. Additionally, she is an associate researcher at the Montreal National Circus School working on several creativity projects.

Finally, building on her research and applied experiences, she has designed a program to stimulate creativity which combines movement improvisation, creative problem solving and collective ideation. With this program, she has helped coaches and athletes to create their next practice in organizations around the world such as Cricket Australia, Swimming Australia, AFL teams, Coaching Better, PAISAC, NXT WWE, and PGA.


Nationella talare

Ahmed Al-Breihi

Projektledare för Riskful Play.

Hur man med leken som drivkraft kan möta barn och ungas behov av rörelse som triggar leklust och nyfikenhet.

Emma Crawley

Lärmiljödesigner på Lead for ESD.

Hur man utvecklar naturliga lekmiljöer som främjar barns förmåga att kunna, våga och vilja att röra på sig.

Fredrik Lindencrona

Strategiinnovatör, SKR. 

MindShift. Ny satsning på psykisk hälsa för att frigöra människors och organisationers fulla kapacitet.

Jennie Linell

Projektledare för ”Hand the ball” på Svenska Handbollsförbundet.

Hur man med rörelserikedom (physical literacy) kan få värdefulla kvitton på hur verksamheten är en god utvecklingsmiljö för barn och unga.

Johannes Hedlund

Projektledare ”Fysisk Aktivitet i Samhällsplanering i Sörmland” på Region Sörmland

Om vilken roll physical literacy har för regeringsuppdraget FASIS (Fysisk aktivitet i samhällsplanering Sörmland). FASiS syftar till att tillsammans med Sörmlands kommuner genomlysa styrande dokument kring fysisk planering samt se hur den kan främja fysisk aktivitet.

Mimmi Beckman

Planerare, Parkenheten Örebro kommun

Lärdomar från nytänkande parkutvecklingsprojekt som utvecklar möjligheter för lek, träning, rekreation och möten

Per Nilsson

Rektor på GIH (Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan i Stockholm) samt ordförande för Regeringskansliets Kommitté för utredningen främjande av ökad fysisk aktivitet.

Fysisk aktivitet & Hälsa, utmaningar & samband. 

Pilo Stylin

Projektledare för ”MotorIQ” på Svenska Budo & Kampsportsförbundet.

Hur man utvecklar ledarskap med hjälp av physical literacy, för att säkerställa en hög kvalité på barn- och ungdomsverksamheten.

Lokala talare

Konferensen genomförs i samarbete och med stöd av Idrottshögskolan vid Umeå universitet, Region Västerbotten, RF-SISU Västerbotten, RISE, Umeå kommun och VKmedia.

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